Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stumbled on this

While the Trinity is as hard to explain as gravity and other things created by God, I stumbled on a quote by C.H. Spurgeon. Instead of messing it up, you can read it for yourself. First check out Galatians 4:6-"And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." Spurgeon had the following to say: The error of regarding a certain divine person as a mere influence, or emanation, mainly assails the Holy Ghost; but its falseness is seen in the words—"crying, Abba, Father": an influence could not cry; the act requires a person to perform it. Though we may not understand the wonderful truth of the undivided Unity, and the distinct personality of the Triune Godhead, yet, nevertheless, we see the truth revealed in the Holy Scriptures: and, therefore, we accept it as a matter of faith. <>In other words, the fact that the Holy Spirit cries out shows that He is a distinct personification of God. He is not a thing, an influence, an emanation or an "it."

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Cross

An execution indicates that a relationship has gone really bad. Whether the electric chair, lethal injection, or crucifixion---they all symbolize that an unsalvageable relationship among humankind has taken place. The person doesn’t deserve to live among other people. The person dying cannot be rehabilitated. The person dying is unfit to have relations to other humans. An old-rugged cross, empty as it may be, symbolizes a relationship gone bad. One had to die. The guilty party is the one that dies in Capital Punishment. Yet, that is not the way it was for Jesus. Next time one considers the fairness of God, consider that God the Father had his innocent Son die on the cross for the guilty party---us. He who knew no sin was made sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Next time you see a cross (count them today, because you will see them on arms, necklaces, earrings, etc.) think about how God made possible the reconciliation of man back to Himself. God demonstrated his love in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Where would you be without the cross? Now, the old-rugged cross can represent a relationship gone good. You have a stake in it. Thankful? Apathetic?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Musing about the Perfect Day

While our friends suffered from torrential down pours back home, we were enjoying the best weather I have ever enjoyed in Orlando. It usually is too hot. It was the perfect temperature, and when a drop of sweat even thought about forming a cool breeze would gently deter any such happening. Yeah, a wee bit melodramatic; but the weather was exceptional. So, it made me think about the perfect day. What would that be like? In general people get upset when the day doesn't go as they planned. But what would we do if we didn't have the flat tire, the headache, the traffic jam, the bus being late, the child making a mess (of any kind) right before time of departure? The truth is that these things don't usually happen, yet when they do happen they're a big deal. Are we thankful on the days when nothing goes wrong?---Then I began to muse on this thought: what would my perfect day be like? Would it be a good idea to cut me loose without any distractions, roadblocks, etc? Hmmm. Think about it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

IF I were Satan

If I were Satan, I would attack our pastor(s), our cpr leaders and groups, and the general unity of the church. If I were the church I would pray for our pastor(s), our cpr leaders and groups, and the general unity of the church. ---The sailors on the ship with Jonah cried out to the LORD, after they had tried everything else. We've got to try. We must give it all we've got. Jesus is the head of the church. Is the advancement of God's church not worth us doing all that we can? Let us pray. Let us pray for our pastor(s), let us pray for our cpr leaders, let us pray for our cpr groups, let us pray for the unity of our church. Let us pray with all that is within us! PRAY HARD! If God be for us, who can be against us? Never give up. Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. Pray some more.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What will it take

"What will it take 'til you believe in me, the way that I believe in you." Oddly enough God spoke through the words of Billy Joel as I was riding down the road. Do you ever catch the subtleness of God? ---Reflect on those words today.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Never lose hope

It's been couple or three years now since I had a few discussions about Jesus with Cindy and her husband and some of their friends. They were all breaking into a sixpack or two, and the Spirit of God was moving. God let me share from Genesis to Revelation with this small crew. It was a great discussion and I felt privileged to be there. At the end of one of our discussions, I asked if any of them would like to be saved, and Cindy raised her hand. Life happened and we didn't really get to see much of each other and they moved out to the country. There was never a report of a change in her life, so I wondered(and prayed). Until this past week! I heard Cindy was getting baptized in a pond by her house. Unfortunately, I couldn't make the trip, but I heard nearly a hundred people showed up in the rain. Awesome! Keep planting seeds. Never lose hope. I heard there were many preachers there. Never think too highly of yourself either, because sometimes it takes a whole bunch of people to reach one.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jonah is more than a fish tale

It's funny when you go fishing, and you catch or snag something other than a fish. No, actually that isn't funny; but I was just messing around reading Jonah, and ironically I got hooked. It is amazing to me how powerful the Scriptures are when we just sit and read (listen in our spirit without hurrying). Jonah is some deepwater stuff. I'm not going to ruin it for you. Read it yourself. Get somewhere quiet and listen. And by the way, after you read it and think perhaps it is just an old fish tale get this---Jesus referred to it as a true story!(see Matthew 12:38- )

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Magnificent Seven

Well here's one for church growth. It's not in the text books, or at least not in the seminary text books. But LTC has seven (now six) ladies awaiting the arrival of sweet bundles of joy. Allie Jae comes in weighing 6lbs.1 oz and 18 inches---congratulations to Jackie and Jeffrey who edged out Jenn and Scott who are due any day. Seven ladies waiting has now gone to six. Be careful around those water fountains...


test one.