Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why the sense of Expectancy?

Have you wondered why there is this sense of expectancy around Christmas time? We feel like something special ... something really huge is about to happen...and then the day after Christmas is like a huge let down. We live with anticipation up to the 25th. Some people start early and then others wait until the last couple of days, but that expectancy is there. God has hidden eternity in our hearts... we live (whether we know it or not) with a sense of spiritual expectancy. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.-Ecc.3:11 There is a day coming when Christ will return. It will no longer be a time of expectancy, but a time of celebration. Until then, live the life of a child and absorb the emotions of anticipation. Rejoice that you will be with Him in the Happily Everafter. When the Day After woes hit, remind yourself that it is not time yet.