Thursday, October 27, 2011


You never know what you're going to get when you ask someone about their spiritual beliefs. It has the potential of being a scary situation. Such was the conversation I had with a guy we'll call Ric. A few of us were at a local Fair that had drawn hundreds of folks, if not a few thousand (no idea). Anyway, we were there to engage in conversation so that we could simply share the Gospel. We weren't Bible thumpin' on anyone, just sharing Jesus if permitted. I'm not one for conflict, but I really am puzzled by an unbelieving world we live in, so I was game to hear from a guy that seemed agitated at God. ---I just asked if he had any spiritual beliefs, and he went off! He was like a powder keg waiting to explode. I had my few folks around me watching to see how pastor was going to handle the wild man. (Pastor was wondering too.) I let him go. He ran. It was painful to hear him talk about God and the church that way, but I wanted to hear. His wife came near and tried to calm his language, but I assured her it was fine. I didn't want Ric to leave. I wanted to understand. He went on to tell me that as a child he learned to get drunk, smoke pot and have sex at church (not all at the same time). He ranted about all the sorry churches and pastors of the past. (He's right. I couldn't argue, nor was that my purpose. People have a reason they believe what they believe, and I wanted to hear that.) He went off on the Angry God can God send such nice, innocent people to hell. What about all the religions? Which one is right? He was full. I must have sweated a years supply as I just calmly listened. I agreed with him, where I could agree and then I feebly attempted to bring him to all we've got...Jesus, the cross, the resurrection. I managed to get him to read Rom.3:23; 6:23. He acknowledged we're all sinners. (in the end that may be the only victory I had.) Of course, I told him Jesus Christ is the way, the only way. I asked him if he even believed the whole Jesus came and died and was resurrected story, especially since it was done in public and there were over 500 witnesses of the resurrection. He readily confessed that. ---In the end, his excuse is the safest excuse anyone will ever go to hell over...other people. You see, we can't answer for how other Christians act. All we can do is take the conversation back to Jesus. What will you do with Jesus? He didn't die for nothing. ---Sadly, Ric wouldn't stay around and talk some more. ---What I wish I had said....I wish he would have given me time to tell how Christ came into my life and how that has worked for me. Remember, your personal experience with Christ is huge in the conversation. ---I look forward to more conversations with folks that are alienated from God. They are hurting for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with God. Don't run from the conversation. Listen, take it back to the cross, make much to do about Jesus, and tell your story.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Godmobile Controversy

Two or three times a year LTC takes our 8x8 trailer (aka the Godmobile) to a Fair nearby where there will be a lot of people for the purpose of sharing the Gospel. Our goal is to merely share the Good News of Jesus Christ with people. Sometimes people make a profession of faith. We do our best to connect them to a church to help them grow spiritually. This would be no different than sharing one on one with a person on a plane or elsewhere. "How will they come to know if someone doesn't preach?" Remember our goal is to merely share the Gospel, we can't help if God was already dealing with them and brings them to salvation. ---This is the part that bugs people (the critics, you know the ones that are doing nothing). They can't understand how a person gets saved in one sitting. Newsflash! We don't understand either. We don't talk people into salvation. In fact, many walk away even with tears in their eyes indicating that God was dealing heavily with them. We've sadly witnessed several people seconds away from accepting Christ (totally locked in) pulled away by friends and family. In 2Tim.4:2 Paul tells Timothy to go and preach. That is all we're doing. We use a two question survey or test to get an idea of the person's spiritual beliefs, and then we simply let God speak to them through the Scriptures. ---We've tried to make the Godmobile look stylish, and not so old-fashioned, but we've not figured that one out yet. Hey, the Gospel is an old message; maybe we'll never figure that out. Bottomline is that we are sharing Jesus. What are you doing? In Acts 17 Paul went out amongst the people (he found a crowd), and shared Jesus. The Scriptures tell us that some believed, some mocked him, and still others said "maybe later." ---Sharing the Gospel will never be easy, because it runs against the grain and schemes of this world. To say that God can't save someone when another person shares the Gospel, well, that is not what the Bible says.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No Cloudy Day

What is it about cloudy days that seems to put people in the doldrums? It happens when we're alone. It happens on rainy days. It happens when life throws curve balls at us. It happens when we're running late (nevermind we slept late or whatever contributions we made to lateness.) It happens when things aren't going our way. (and how does that work exactly? Doesn't God know we're in control?) ---I don't know. I was just getting this feeling of spiritual ickyness surrounding folks. It was like a wet blanket being thrown on the joy people have in Christ. It was trying to settle in on me, and I'm like, "No way." I quickly recalled God's Word to remind myself of my vantage point in life. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,. It's easy to get swallowed up by the circumstances around us and forget that as far as God is concerned those that are "in Christ" are seated in the heavenly realms with Christ. I know, I know we are still standing here in perhaps what seems the cesspool of life at times, but that's not truth. Christians have been buried in Christ's death, resurrected in life with Christ and we are seated in the heavenly realms with Him. We are in the awkward "already, but not yet." (Already saved, but not yet there.)---Just take baby steps through the junk that is causing you stress today. Be encouraged remembering that "in Christ" you're not from around here; and this old world can't touch you. Oh, it will try just don't believe the lies of the wiley enemy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Held Hostage by a Lie

Drugs, Alcohol, Pornography, Excess in TV and food...the "A" list of things Americans are addicted to. Each one of them has something in common...they are all empowered by lies. Drugs will solve your problems. A lie. Alcohol will solve your problems. A lie. Pornography will satisfy you. A lie. TV is real and fulfilling. A lie. More food will do a body good. A lie. ---So why do Christians get addicted to these things? After all, Satan has no power over us, because of what Jesus did on the cross. Almost true. The true part is what Jesus did on the cross was complete. His part is all good. However, when we believe one of Satan's lies we empower him. When we enter the dark-side of the buffet where drugs, alcohol, pornography, and the excesses exist then we have enabled him to influence us because we are in his domain.
Know who you are in Christ. You are buried in death with Christ. You have been resurrected into the newness of life in Christ. You are even seated in the heavenlies with Christ.
If you are addicted to something, cry out to God...expose it...stay connected to Christ and don't enter the dark-side. Fight the battle in the spirit realm. You can't beat it in the flesh. Will-power will not work.
Start by saying and believing that I am a redeemed child of God; I am not a drug addict or whatever you addiction issue is.
Start today. Pray. Shed some light. Get help. Don't identify yourself as an addict anymore. The more you say it, the more you will believe it. And that is the lie Satan uses to hold you hostage. Let the truth set you free.

Trending Topics

As the discussion trended to Calvinism, Mormonism and politics, I found myself totally disinterested. My honest thoughts were "I'm not from around here." Those issues are divisive, deceptive and detrimental to discussion in a group of people trying to do life together. (Discussed properly in context is needed sometimes.) I found myself only wanting to focus on Christ (not in a self-righteous way, but in a way that maybe I was finally getting it.) Paul knew teachers and people would come bringing whatever discussion that could distract or divide the church from serving its purpose. This is why he wrote to the Colossians. They were off to a great start, but needed to radically understand the foundation of the faith is and has always been Jesus Christ who is fully God. He wanted to be sure they were rooted (drawing life from) in Christ. He wanted to be sure that Christ was the foundation and nothing else; because Christ stands. He has defeated death. In Christ we stand, therefore we should live overflowing with thankfulness. And thankfulness has no part of division, deception and other detrimental discussions to the faith. If you want to talk about the faith, then talk about Christ. He is everything, and if you're not in HIm; well then you are separated from God and that is a problem. See Col.2:6-9
Life is not relevant without Christ. Nothing should trend more than Jesus. A whole group of people are living in a mirage. They have forgotten what they have in Christ. We have freedom in Christ. We're not from around here. Keep Christ in the center of our discussions, all else is meaningless. ---I know we shoot the breeze and talk about stuff just getting to know one another. I'm just saying Jesus should trend more than anything or anyone else. ---How many useless conversations will we have this week that are even divisive?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hurtin' on the Hate

We are living in a day when the line seems to be drawn firmly in the sand. When I think of Christians, I'm thinking about people that are genuine followers of Jesus. They certainly aren't perfect people, but they seek to do for others as Christ would. It was certainly Christian thinking that started, funded and equipped things like food banks, clothes closets, shelters for the homeless, hospitals, schools and more. Christians aren't perfect, but they're not all bad. ---So, it hurts when people not of faith hate the church, because of the poor example of some Christians. Forgive us for blowing it. Get to know Christ. But know what little good you do see exude from the church is of Christ.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Devotion for today

This is just a little something from my reading this morning in Colossians and Jeremiah (early chapters). Paul talks about "Christ in you, the hope of glory" being the mystery revealed. For those before the cross this was certainly a mystery and probably hard to grasp in real time. However, for us looking back at the cross it is pretty easy to see as we compare OT prophecies to Jesus' fulfillment of those prophecies.
With that said, looking in Jeremiah one can easily see something that is not a mystery. (as well as many other places in Scripture) God sends wrath on rebellious people. He sent his wrath on pagans that worshiped false gods. He sent wrath on chosen Israel when they worshiped false gods. God promised death to be the fruit of sin, so mankind should not be surprised when any sort of destruction takes place. The Bible is clear that no one is innocent. Sin brings death. More sin will bring more destruction. The unrighteous will face the judgment of God and his wrath. This should be no surprise, because it is written throughout Scriptures. People don't like to hear this, and many won't read the Bible because they don't want to hear it. However, you can't say God doesn't warn us.
He always provides a way out. There is no condemnation to those who are "in Christ Jesus". (Rom.8:1)
If what you believed were not true, would you want to know the truth?
<>If you won't sincerely seek God, then He can't help you. However, if you will sincerely seek God, then you will find Him. (Jer.29:13) That is His promise, and He is not only willing, but is able to keep His promises.

Monday, October 3, 2011

3 Things for the "Big" Group

We all like to see things happen above the surface. By now, most people have seen the illustration of the iceberg. You see this beautiful iceberg, but beneath the water is the huge foundation of the iceberg. You only get to see the tip so to speak. I was reminded this morning in my prayer time (as I shut up and listened:don't forget to do that) of the many growth stories I've heard in just the past week or so. The stories involved individuals displaying spiritual maturity through the following ways: sharing Jesus with people they didn't even know, giving a real offering to God for the first time, peace-making with a person of conflict, helping the homeless, and people inviting others to church. These are immeasurable signs of spiritual growth. For the few that I hear about, I'm sure there are several others. So in a moment God reminded me that spiritual growth is happening in our church.
But He also prompted in my heart to pray for 3 specific areas for the "Big" group (the whole church):
1. A genuine hunger for God (or thirst: like a deer pants for water kind of thirst)
2. Growth in giving (possibly the biggest sign of growth is when people just give it away, dying to self)
3. Salvations (if we're telling them about Jesus then they will be saved, especially if our life matches our talk)
I pray for you. I pray for me. I pray that the Lord of the harvest will do crazy things at Living Truth.
Lord God, use us for Your glory.