Monday, February 27, 2012

It wasn't a flat tire

It couldn't have been more predictable. "Be strong and courageous... Know who you are in Christ...Don't let satan rob the joy of your salvation." ---All things from the message this Sunday. Don't be upset when you get a flat tire, because there are nails in the road. Yes, I said that. So, at midnight after the Casting Crowns concert my wife and I along with Andy and Heidi are leaving the Waffle House parking lot. Note: all the other good Christians were long gone from downtown. WF is practically in the back parking lot of the Civic Center. Anyway, it's's cold and windy...we're downtown. I had certainly been acting a fool, goofing around (I know, hard to believe). We had been blessed with back-stage passes, great seats and I had been picking at our friends that were sitting in the nose-bleed (exaggeration) section. So, we get in the car and the battery is dead. Ha---stinkin'---ha, the joke is on me. Fortunately, we had left a good tip at the WF, because our waitress was the one that had jumper cables. Amen. A friendly police officer jumped us off, and we were on our way. ---So, I start my Monday knowing I'll need a new battery. It was then that I remembered talking about getting a flat. Fortunately, I lived what I preached. I didn't get bothered a bit. The car is old enough it should have needed a new battery. No surprise. No anger. No whoa is me. It's just life. So I prepared to pay the price for the battery. When I called to check on prices, I asked the guy the make of the battery. It turns out it was the same manufacturer of my old one. Where is this going? Well, I get there to exchange my old battery and come to find out that I had actually bought this one there a while back and only had to pay half price! Nice. Amen and a thank you Lord! ---So, here's your take away. No, it wasn't a flat tire, but a dead battery on Monday morning is just the same. Have a great week! Don't let the little things sidetrack your living for Jesus. You're not from around here..." are seated int heavenlies." -Eph.2:6

Friday, February 24, 2012

Prayer Rumblings and Tumblings

As we approach the end of a week in prayer, it is interesting to see the things that are happening. Here's just a little something, something from those that have recognized it is a result of prayer and focus. I already shared where God had put a person on my heart in prayer and then within a couple of hours I had a "chance" encounter. I hadn't prayed for this person and years and we ran into each other at a place neither of us normally go to by "accident." Yeah. Right. A couple of folks were given the opportunity to involve the church in meeting the needs of some people in the community in the love of Christ. As we pray for neighborhoods, there were some opportunities as well. My wife was able to network with a neighbor we rarely communicate with. (We all know how hard it is to communicate in the 'hood. We all go in and shut the doors and crash in our little world.) Then the latest that spurred me on was taking note of the great lengths that God can go to or use to answer prayer. (Depends on how you look at it.) One of our members was interrupted in the middle of the night by the police by a little disturbance. Through this (I'll skip the details) opportunity she got to meet a neighbor she had not really met. ---Are you praying? Are you paying attention to what in the world is going on around you in the midst of the 40 Days of Prayer? Pray hard! ---Did I mention, that through this week I've added several names to my salvation prayer list? God will speak to you Spirit to spirit. Take heed. Write it down. Add to your prayer list. Mix it up with reading God's Word (He's also taken me on detours through Scripture. That is, He has turned me from my normal daily reading to other passages of Scripture. How do I know this? Because I'm LISTENING! Listening is part of prayer.) Pray hard.---Also, share your stories. It opens the eyes of others, and encourages them to press forward in prayer! love.

Youcef Nadarkani

You just can't keep killing Christians. Pray for Youcef Nadarkani, the Iranian pastor on death row for being a Christian, preaching the Gospel. Christians preach the Gospel for that is our command to "go and make disciples." I prayed for my brother this morning. I prayed for his life to be spared. Then I thought of Daniel and many brothers that have faced death row for standing firm. I know that many have died for the faith, and many are willing to do so. So, I prayed that my brother Youcef would be strong that the hand of the Lord would be with him through this whole process. I pictured Youcef smiling comfortably in the strength of the Lord. I signed a petition to get our government to get on the case for his release, but I must admit that my government can't do anything. Just as King Darius could not get Daniel from going to the lions' den; our government has no power over this. For Youcef to live is Christ, and to die is gain. The real Christian understands that. Either way, I pray that the Gospel will explode in Iran. I pray for the salvation of all the Arabian people. LORD God in heaven we pray for a Great Spiritual Awakening.

Luke 6

Twas directed to the first portion of Luke 6 this morning and it kind of hit me on a recent headline. The Southern Baptist Convention made news (not major media because it did not involve real controversy, of course) about considering a name change that is more relevant to today's culture and not so limited in reach. The SBC is certainly not limited in its outreach. It is internationally known for its mission work and nationally known for Disaster Relief and other good deeds. People get "up in arms" about Associations and Denominations, but the reality is all churches are associated in one way or another with other churches. And if not, they are supposed to be; they are certainly to not to be isolated. The SBC gets cracked on by the media and others, because of their early beginnings, but the good that the SBC has done over the last 100 years should have demolished any of that talk. Yet, people love to judge, and love to hate. I'm not here to defend the SBC, Willow Creek Association or any others for that matter. However, I do know that most of these are simply conventions and associations or affiliations that are meant to help churches collaborate on getting the Gospel out. If that is not their purpose, then they should not exist. I do know that the churches within these are independent. Not every church is alike. Hey, there are some great churches and there are some weird churches, unfortunately. Imperfect people belong to all. ---I guess I'm saying check your local church out before judging them. Most of them are up to good. They are more than willing to share their core values with you. They are more than willing to share with you their particular strategy to reach the world for Christ. Don't judge them by the association they are affiliated with necessarily. If they are "getting at it", teaching God's Word, growing and sending; then give them a try. ---What in the world does any of this have to do with Luke 6? Jesus had to explain to some religionists that he indeed was the Lord of the Sabbath. It is all about Jesus. Jesus is not a legalist. Don't get caught up in the laws and bylaws of man. Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath day. The Pharisees thought this to be a sin. Disciples making disciples for Jesus is more important than any name. Jesus is the name above all names. If an affiliation helps that get done in stronger fashion, amen. So what did all this have to do with Luke 6? Well, it's a stretch. Jesus told the man with the withered hand, "Stretch out your hand." And, he did and was completely healed. ---Just having some fun, loosen up!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bittersweet Greetings

While this was complementary to our local church, it was disheartening to the church as a whole. Recently we had some nice folks come to our church, and share how welcomed they were by our members. Of course, that was great news. That is the kind of news that warms a pastor's heart, and puts a little skip in his step. The incredible thing was the fact these folks, new to the area, were dutifully searching for a church to call home; and in this area of many churches it was difficult. They did not feel welcomed. I'm not the only pastor around here that knows and preaches to his congregation that the first five minutes is the most important for someone's first visit to church. This was disheartening, because when one church fails, we all take a hit. I'm not happy that other churches did poorly in the first five minutes or follow-up for that matter. Sure, I'm always glad to hear when we get it right, but I know we're not perfect either. I say this to complement, and to thank our people for just being who you are, friendly people. Know that that matters. Fortunately, my new friends were believers and they were going to find a church. But what if they were unbelievers and this was their first try? What if junk was happening in their life and they finally decided to check church out? The church is representing Jesus, right? We must always be welcoming so that we have opportunity to give witness of the hope that is in us through Jesus Christ. I'm thankful to our greeters...the team that welcomes....the people that walk people to a class room...the people that greet in the hall way...the people that introduce themselves...the people that welcome others to sit with them...the people just realizing that people need other people.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine Tribute from the KISA

I would love to say my wife and I are best friends, but we both know the truth. In fact, I'm kind of leery when married couples say that they are best friends. I know it happens, but I bet it happens far less than is told. My wife is not perfect, and neither am I; but guess what, we're working on each other. Haha. We have our whole married life to straighten the other one out. Of course, that is ludicrous. It took us twenty years to figure out that ain't happening. Some of you may have been quick learners. I don't know what the going time rate is in knowing you can't change things about your mate. ---We're still figuring each other and life out. It is a journey, and if you think otherwise you are in for a rude awakening unless it's always sunny where you live. I can tell you this. My wife loves Jesus and she tirelessly serves Him. My wife loves me. I know this, because she have been put through the tests. My wife loves our kids. (well documented fact) We have been through the gauntlet, the pains and sufferings of life; and frankly our marriage bumped the rocks a time or two, but fortunately our commitment to one another was also a commitment to another, the Rock, Christ Jesus. Sometimes marriage is love. Sometimes it is fun. Sometimes it is work. Sometimes it is yuck. Sometimes it just clings to the commitment you made to one another. ---But let me end with this. I love my wife, the girl I married about a week before I turned 23. We chose to take this journey together. It's certainly had its hiccups. She's all mine, and I'm all hers. We joke that nobody would take the other one. If you have a problem with her, you've got a problem with me. If you have something positive to say about her, I'm right there with you. But if you have something bad to say about her...Back off! I love you Teresa. Signed your Knight In Shining Armor. (KISA)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

CPR, Snickers, Southwest, Devil

Every now and then we need a little break from something. However, I don't see too many people taking a break from breakfast, lunch and dinner. I don't see people avoiding Walmart, Target, or Publix. They may (probably won't) hit Fred's or Grocery Outlet , but I kind of doubt these changes are permanent. Truth is there are some things we never need a break from: like care, prayer and encouraging relationships. If you are tired, stressed, or hapless the things you need the most are care, prayer and encouraging relationships. Please help me understand, why on earth when a person is crashing in life do they drop out of the one place that is meant to help them? One thing you say? Yes, because at Living Truth Church these things are found in one place: CPR Groups. The very name is meant to resuscitate those trying to do life. The acronym CPR stands for care, prayer and relationships. Some churches call them Life Groups, Small Groups as well as other names. The purpose is basically the same. For the love of God, help me understand when life is rough...why, why, why do people run from that which is meant to breathe life into them? What part do you not need? Is it care? Do you not need people to show love and care? You do know when you tell people you need a break or that you're working or some excuse for not coming to the Group that they tend to believe you; and consequently don't bug you? Sometimes all you have in you is to be able to show up. In times like that JUST SHOW UP. So in time of stress, you don't need care? Hmmm. Or is it prayer you don't need? Are you going through the roller-coaster of life (and who isn't?) and don't need prayer? I've only met one person in my life that refused prayer, and I've asked a lot of people. Or is it encouraging relationships you don't need? We all know that's not true. How many times have you been in the crapper (figuratively speaking) and a friend called or showed up and cheered you up. Listen, here's a novel idea. Why don't you go every week to a place where everyone knows your name: CPR Group? There is someone there that will care for you, pray for you, or encourage you; but you have to show up and you have to let them know what's going on. As awesome as these people are, they don't read minds. So, what are you waiting for get up and go. Nobody needs a break from emotional and spiritual healing. The devil is the only entity that gains advantage when you avoid this life-breathing group of people. Consequently, we'll give credit where credit is due: who do you think is whispering in your ear to take a break from this life-sustaining group? Next time you need a break, eat a snickers or fly Southwest, but don't give up your CPR Group. Nooooooo.....

Monday, February 6, 2012

TRT is always trending

I couldn't help to get a little disgusted the other day. I'm not sure of the timeline now, but it was less than a couple of weeks ago when I heard the first report. Tim Tebow (TRT) had been in Las Vegas to do his part in an upcoming Nike commercial. Of course, all the cameras followed him wherever he went (which was to the photo shoot-back to the room and out of Vegas). This would be one of those occasions where "what happens in Vegas" doesn't "stay in Vegas." There just happened to be an Adult Entertainment (Porn)Convention in town. So all the cameras were there (TMZ& all the others) prepared to nail Timmy for any misdoings. To no one's surprise, it was a non-story, because Tim did the shoot and got out of Vegas clean. He didn't gamble, smoke, drink, dope it up or anything. Ho hum! No story here. Keep moving. ---Here's what disgusted me. It was a few days after I had heard the non-story that a sports column was entitled something like "Tebow at Porn Convention in Vegas." This article was way-late, and turned out to be a non-story as well. It was just a headline hooker. (yeah, that would be a pun.) Then at the pre-Super Bowl festivities someone tried to make a big deal about TRT talking to all the ladies at some party. Of course, he was being respectable to all that wanted to talk to him. But the report tried to make a big deal that he talked to one girl more than the others. Whoopteedoo if he did! Of course, the Golf Channel had to make a little noise with TRT since he couldn't play a recent tournament due to a football injury. He was kind enough to do an interview. In the interview the guy asks if Tim would ever go into politics. I'm sure this will be used against him as soon as possible. But as usual he was just answering a question in front of him. He said it was possible. So, if we believed all the headlines we would believe TRT is a Porn-show going-lady-loving-politician. However, if you read the articles he's just a young guy trying to live the truth in a perverse world answering all the stupid questions people ask. Stay tuned to see how the media uses him to sell papers, radio and tv time via headlines. TRT is always trending. Get a life people.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Submit to the King

At the end of Revelation it is prophesied that the kings of the world will unite for one last battle against God and the Great City. As you'll read in Revelation it's not much of a battle as Jesus, the King, takes care of business. In Psalm 2 exists the prophecy of such a battle written roughly 3,000 years ago warning folks to get on the right side, and submit to the King now. ---I'm troubled. In our day, I listen as people disrespect God as if there will be no repercussions. I listen as people pick and choose what they want from the Bible as if their opinion matters. God is God, and we are not. There will be no excuse (see Rom.1). The basic problem is mankind wants to be God. People want to sit on the throne (of their lives). In Revelation 4 John was allowed to peak into heaven, and found that One sits on the throne of the Universe; and He is quite in control. The God of the Universe does not need our opinion or help. Psalm 2 is very suggestive. It suggests that you and I be on the right side, because the King is coming back and He will deal handily with His enemies. We are to revere God and hold Him above all else. "Submit to God's royal son, or he will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities..." There's your warning. You can get mad, and shake your fist in disbelief. "But the One who rules in heaven laughs. The LORD scoffs at them." However, it is a different scene for those who submit to the KIng, "But what joy for all who take refuge in Him!"