Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It ain't no party

Being a missionary in a Third World country "ain't no party." Amanda is in West Africa on a two-year stint. She is among a primarily Muslim people trying to help translate the Bible into their language. There are many barriers and challenges. However, she has really grown in her love for God's Word and for the people in her village. The hot season, the rainy season, the mosquitoes and the lack of what we're used to ---all bring their own challenges. Yet, Amanda and her co-worker Brittany are faithful. Remember them and pray for them in your daily prayers to finish strong. I am proud of these young women of exemplifying dying to self, and giving up two-years to serve others. ---But, I'm sure they don't look at it that way at all. Go girls!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Follow HIM

"Levi got up and followed him." Jesus' call to "follow him" is a call to faith. Even though we don't know where he is going or where he is leading us; we should know from his track record that it is the right way. Who wants to go the wrong way? Going the wrong way is a waste of time and money; and often leads to heartache. We spend a lot of money on devices that help guide us the right way. Jesus' call is simple. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life; and no man comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ. ---Follow HIM.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


You ladies need to check this website out. It is informative and takes neither a liberal or conservative point of view. In fact, the ladies on The View had one of its regulars on this week. It often carries stories of life that bring a tear even to the toughest man. It talks about the journey of life that people and groups of people called (teams) go through every day and every week. It speaks to the heart in season and out of season. I clued our illustrious secretary into this website yesterday, where she read a heart-wrenching story of a young man and young woman dealing with real life issues. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=4489416

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Father of the Bride

Okay, it's no joke now. I got my first "your-stupid-you-know-nothing-about-weddings-we-don't need-your-input" looks. I assumed the check-writing posture which is similar to the fetal position. I will be here until the wedding is done. For those that don't know, Brittany is officially engaged and will be getting married in February. The fun begins. I'm going to pick a night to watch Father of the Bride wearing my snuggie.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Soap Box

I've been around long enough to know that you can't please everyone, and there is only One that you need to live to please. But every now and then I'll hear something that gets in my crawl (interpretation: bugs me) such as hearing the comment: "I don't like this study, it's too shallow... it's not deep enough." The funny thing is that there is someone else saying "It's too deep." There is no such thing as "One Size Fits All." OSFA means it fits nothing! Therefore, those that want to go deeper with our Sermon-based studies need to actually do the homework and go deep. It is up to you. Likely there are new-believers in your group that are still swimming in the shallow water...respect that.

see Philippians 2:14 for deeper study:"Do everything without complaining or arguing"

Friday, September 18, 2009

Passion Experiment

What is passion? How do you measure it? Are you too passionate about something, and not passionate about what you say is top shelf?
Try this:
Go hang out with some friends doing the thing they are passionate about and that you hate. It has to be something you don't like for optimum effect. See how they react. See what they put into it. Do they spend too much money on that? Do they waste too much time on that? Do they look silly?
Now consider that thing you like to do? Could it look silly to others? Could it be said you waste too much time or money on that?
Now, think. Are you giving time, money, attention, effort to that which you would say is most important to you?
It may be that you are not passionate about what you thought you were passionate about. You may need to make life changes to make adjustments.
We do what we want to do.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Crazy Love

I'm reading a book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I wanted to read it when I first heard about it, but I'm just now getting around to it. It's a quick read, but I'm reading it slow. It is a must read for all followers of Jesus. It's about God, it's about life, it's about love. It is not mushy. It is real. Below is not the main theme of the book, it is just what I read last night.

I could be the next person in my family or in my church family to die. "We have to realize it. We have to believe it enough that it changes how we live."-51

Most of us need a radical change in how we live our lives. Seriously. Not so much about us. I remember coming back from Haiti thinking about how much stuff I have that is unnecessary. Think about all the things we have just to make us happy. Think about the things you buy your kids to keep them happy. We act like we're staying here forever and we are not. What will people say at your funeral?---I can tell you what they will say. They will say nice things, because they always do.---But will they be true? Will many people come to faith in Christ at your funeral because you had already died to self in this life? Hmmm. I know it sounds kind of morbid, but checking out of here is a positive for a follower of Christ. How are you living? Make adjustments even if they are radical.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Short time

I was reading a book that shared a story about a fourteen year old girl who was so in love with Jesus that she started a Bible study on her school campus. She spent her babysitting money on Bibles to give to lost friends. She wanted to be a difference-maker at a young age. These stories aren't usually told unless something bad happens. You guessed it, she was killed in a car wreck as a teenager. Nearly 1500 people came to her funeral, and many received Christ and were given Bibles due to the testimony of her life. Hers was not a wasted life. Stories of people who died after living godly lives are stories with happy endings.
Sadly, many people die while living selfishly. I attended a funeral several years ago (so glad I was not asked to officiate) of a person that was ...well, just a really bad person. The person officiating spoke very generic trying to say good things about this person, then asked if anyone would stand and say some things over the deceased. I listened as a couple of people tried to say some nice things about a person that had done nothing in this life unless it benefited them(plus some really bad things).
The stories are similar. Both people died to themselves. The teenage girl died to self while a teenager and lived for God, and many would stand and testify of how great her life was---and be telling the truth.
The second person died to self at the funeral. No one could say anything truly good about this person for that person had lived life unto themselves.
Don't waste your life. There is still time to turn it around. What can you do for others today,tomorrow, the next day---that would make the name of Jesus famous?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


My 100th post comes on 090909 my birthday. I should go play golf today, but I would probably shoot a 90 or 100, so I will wait a day.---We had our Love/Dare Group meeting last night. It is 7 couples meeting once a week, while we are (together) for forty days doing intentional things for one another as married couples (clarify: working on our own marriages). It may sound corny, but I have found out in the last few months how soooo many marriages are just a whiff away from destruction. I am proud of these couples making this investment in time. We have newly married couples and longtime married couples. We have found (no shock) that we all deal with some of the same things. By coming together we bring these things to light, and we can deal with them. Those big differences in spouses are meant to be complementary. Oh yeah, my best friends 26th wedding anniversary is today too---Congrats Mike and Tammie! For better or for worse was a promise we made to each other. Just a plug---if you get a chance to do the Love/Dare, go for it. We may offer it again if people want to do it. I love my God who is way too merciful and gracious to me. I love my wife who is way too wonderful to me. I love my kids who are the coolest and bestest. I love my folks who made good decisions early in my life that probably saved my life from going the wrong direction. I love and hope the best for my brother and sister. I love the church God has allowed me to be a part of. ---done---not crying or overly sentimental because of my age---see ya!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Time is running out. We need some folks, even if you have friends that can go with us to help rebuild New Orleans. The financial investment is $100, and the time investment is one week---October 5-11th. ---At the end of our service Sunday a lady (first-time guest) came forward to thank me (our church) for going to New Orleans and joining in the rebuilding process...she lives there.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Loose Connection

I've not left. Teresa and I took a much needed vacation, mixed with some work. We really appreciate everyone filling in the gaps. A special thanks goes out to AD who has to deal with "melt-downs" when I'm away. (And when I'm away, they usually happen.)the internet connection was weak where we were at, plus I limited my connectivity since I was attempting to relax. That is hard to do, isn't it? It is so hard to not stay connected. Therefore where there is a will, there is a way. We took the lap-top just in case. The little cottage (no frills)we were staying promised no internet, and that was fine. But of course, we checked it out, and I got a tiny signal in the room. We could get on just long enough to check a couple of things. However, by the end of the week we had moved the computer outside in search of that signal of connection we were yearning for. We had a relaxing time and were communicating well with one another, but we were missing the connection of friends and family. We found the wireless connection was coming from a tall condo across the street from our quaint cottage! You know what we did. We went pool-side and surfed the internet to our little hearts content. Yes, I look for a lesson in all parts of life; and found another one in this situation. Connection is important and we will do whatever it takes. The book on LTC is that we are great at welcoming people. We hear that from guests all the time. However, the stats show we don't always connect people real well. My prayer is for that to change. Do whatever it takes to help that connection take place. New people come because they need others to get connected with. Sure, be friendly, but more than that give up some space and welcome people in---really let them in. Give them your place at the table.