Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fight of Faith

Paul instructs his young disciple Timothy so that he can fight the good fight of faith. It is a battle. It is daily. It is every believer's battle. We can't let our guard down for a minute. These battles are most often lost in the seconds of life. The enemy seeks to knock us out. He looks for an opening to get a jab in and eventually a fatal blow. He is patient. He will wait us out. Stay steady, hold on to faith and good conscience. How? Do the basics: devotion to Christ in study of the Word and in prayer,get an accountability partner to keep you focused, and share Jesus regularly with others to grow. These are how we stay strong. Some have rejected these and have consequently "shipwrecked their faith." Paul even names a couple of guys who were sent to the "dark-side" to be taught a lesson. Don't go there! Be preventive by not merely assimilating information from your study of Scripture, but applying the information. Hang in there!--{Devotion taken from 1 Tim.1:18-20)