Saturday, January 19, 2013

First-things First

God will speak to you if you'll listen, and He will bail you out if you will slow down and listen. He gave me a gut-check a couple of times today before and during a meeting. Fortunately, I paused and did my Quiet Time this morning before the meeting instead of post-poning that meeting (Quiet Time) until later. There would have been nothing wrong with me meeting with God later in the day or more than once, but I'm glad that I did put first-things-first. After previewing the plan for the pending meeting, I could see a large portion of the meeting would be scheduling and prioritizing things. In my QT God spoke to me from Mt. 6:33 offering me a little reminder: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Thank you Lord. The temptation in church-life is to make much about the plan instead of the One we serve. So while we will get together and plan, we will keep in the fore-front first-things first: "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness." The rest of the stuff will fall in place.