Wednesday, October 30, 2013

“What’s Your Sign”

Have you ever run into someone and you said something that you regretted, because you didn’t realize earlier that they had gone through something traumatic or maybe even tragic? You realized you kind of stuck your foot in your mouth or had what I call a “Hee-Haw” moment. Perhaps we should have post-it notes on our foreheads or a bigger sign we wear on our back that lets people know to beware. Maybe we would be more cautious, careful and less callous with our words toward one another. Maybe we would be more sensitive and understanding and cut one another some slack. If I know your dog just died, maybe I take it easy on the dead animal jokes (I know that’s a weak analogy, but you get what I’m saying.). Stay with me. What if we did walk around with these signs, but it wasn’t about what happened this morning or yesterday or even two weeks ago? What if we wore signs about things that have scarred us or made us who we are today? The signs could read: I was beaten or abandoned as a child. I was molested or raped. I had an abortion. I never met my daddy. My mom died when I was young. On and on the signs could let us know what the person standing before us has gone through. Would it change how tenderly we deal with one another? Would it make me pause before I rushed to judgment about their outlook on something? It should, and I bet it would. ---So next time someone does something that you really are puzzled by, don’t be so swift in your judgment. You don’t know what junk they dealt with that morning or the previous week, much less their whole life. Often times, the things that cause scars end in great testimonies as it makes some people stronger as they persevere through it. Yet, some people are still working through the process of being all that God wants them to be. And still, others are lost and looking for a glimmer of hope. The truth is that you and I don’t know where that person standing before us is at in the process. Speak softly. Listen a lot. You may be the one that needs mercy next time.