Friday, September 11, 2015

Why does America protect a destructive religion like Islam?

Someone posed this question, and it made me think. I have often thought about putting these words carefully into context knowing they could sound controversial, yet truthful. First of all, Christianity does not need protection by any government, because truth will stand. Truth will pass the test of time. Those attempting to take truth down, will find themselves on the wrong side of truth on judgment day. Christianity is called a religion in your school books, but it is about a relationship with Jesus, who died for our sin on the cross and was resurrected on the third day. —- If religions like Islam are to have a fighting chance they need to be propped up by governments and other entities. Nevertheless, we have witnessed the attempts by government to destroy Christianity but grant “hall-passes” for religions like Islam who have shown evidence of what they’ll do if they wield the power. On the other hand, there was a once-great nation that was, at a time, heavily influenced by Christianity.They grew strong and looked after the world. We acknowledge that Christians do not always get it right, because we are susceptible to flashbacks to the flesh at times. However, the tenets of the faith direct us to “love one another,” and this attitude has had positive impacts on the world at large (ie. check your hospitals, relief agencies, orphanages, first responders, etc.).—- Here’s my proposal to America and other governments of the world: Don’t protect Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc., but rather leave them all alone to stand. However, don’t attack either, because right now it seems like only one of these is under attack. —- On a balanced field, Christianity will stand. Otherwise, you are shooting yourselves in the foot, because Christianity is the only one of these that is prompted to look outwardly in helping others.—-Finally, we continue to pray for the families who lost much during 9/11. And we pray for our “would-be” attackers to come to faith in Christ, because that’s what we do. Jesus is our hope. He has already defeated man's worst enemy, death! Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.—-1John 5:12