Monday, August 3, 2009

Prize Fighter

How often have you given in to temptation, and asked God to forgive you; and somewhere in that prayer appealed to God to forgive you because 'He knows your heart.'? Indeed, God knew King David as "a man after His own heart." Yet David flubbed up on several occasions. This does not give us an excuse and free right to sin. It is just an understanding of the process called sanctification. {Being made holy-simple definition}We are being made to look like the image of Christ daily. Daily challenges come that are meant to sharpen us. It is in our continual struggle with sin and obedience to God that sanctification does its work. ---Put up a fight! Don't yield so easily to temptation. Be set apart. Look like Jesus more and more every day. " on toward the goal to win the prize." Don't give up so easy. Don't say "that's just the way I am." Fight daily and fight to win! (suggested reading Phiippians 2&3)