Monday, January 11, 2010

Map Yourself

So you did it. Sometime long ago or maybe recently you placed your faith in Christ and promised to live for Jesus. So what would it look like if your journey for Christ were mapped out? Would it be one dot (like the starting point) with no more movement? Would there be lines all over the place showing an industrious journey?---We're not all called to be the Apostle Paul (aka "the chosen instrument to the Gentiles")so we can all breathe a sigh of relief that God isn't necessarily calling each of us all over the world. Yet, He does call each of us to something. Are you doing that something? First, are you worshiping God? Are you taking the time to really get to know Him?---Where has His leading taken you? Are you following His lead, or are you stuck in a rut? ---Draw your map. Join God at work...that work He created you especially for!