Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Depression, Out-of-it, and the Funk

When you're in it, you can't see it; but often everyone else can. That is another reason we all need other people. We are told in Scriptures to bear with one another, meaning to literally "help another person just stand up." There is a reason that Paul wrote that to the solid Christians in Colosse. They, like us, would eventually need to hear that. ---Way too often when people fall into depression or into the funk, they will not call their friends for help. In fact, they will do the opposite. They will shut themselves behind walls where their friends cannot even get to them. On the rare occasion that they will call out on the life-line, they don't understand why all of a sudden they are depressed, out-of-it, or in the funk. "What happened? How did I get here?" Pastorally speaking, it is usually an easy call from my vantage point. When folks get out of touch with Christ (stop spending quality time with God daily), get away from the relationships that were empowering them spiritually and emotionally (out of church and small groups that guide and encourage), miss out on teachings from the Scripture (preaching does help sustain us) then we have opened up opportunity for rulers, authorities, powers of darkness, and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm to attack us. Oh, it is so subtle we don't realize what happened. We feel like it happened all of a sudden, but it didn't. We missed or skipped these opportunities that pour into us; and wake up one day mad at the world or in the funk. Our only prayer if we dare is "Help!" But even this won't help if we don't listen for the answer. Sadly, many stay depressed and never get out. ---It happens to good sane people. We get too busy. Something in life distracts us from the habits of discipline that aid and abet our spiritual growth, and Bam! We get blindsided and begin to blame everyone, but us. ---I can't tell you how many times someone has told me of a friend that was in a rut, and it was so easy to trace things back to when they stopped coming to church for whatever the reason(hearing God's Word and being around the folks that could pick them up.). Your church, our church meets at the same place every week. Come and listen. Be blessed. Be rejuvenated. Come out of it! Listen, if you stand alone the spiritual forces of evil will certainly lie to you. They will draw you into the funk. Get out now, while you still can. Run to the light. Christ and His church love you, but you can't be helped while you willfully stay away.
See Col. 3:13; Eph.6:12