Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Name is important

God changed Abram's name to Abraham. Abraham meant "father of many nations or multitudes." So what is in a name? Your name is what people call you by. If you get called something over and over again you are going to believe that is you. Before God changed Isaac's name, it was Jacob which meant "trickster or deceiver." He lived up to that name, but God let him know that He had a different plan for him. ---As a child of God (that is assuming you have been born again), you are now known as a son or daughter of God. That is what you are. You are in God's eyes holy, blameless, more than a conqueror, etc. ---Instead of living like the old you: perhaps thief, liar, alcoholic, or whatever, isn't it time you started living up to the new name "child of God?" Put that old nature away. Put it to death. Your identity has changed. If you keep calling yourself addict, liar, lazy or whatever you once were, then you will live down to that. Use this Thanksgiving to truly thank God and start over.