Friday, June 1, 2012

12 Year Anniversary of Diving In

I rarely catch this date. I usually let it go by without fanfare, but for some reason I was a little more reflective today. Today celebrates the conception of LTC. Twelve years ago today, I was officially out of the Tire business, and my official duty of planting this church began. It was then, and it is now an AGT (All God Thing)! While our meeting locations have changed a time or two, our mission has not. Mission statement: Our mission is to share that Jesus Christ is relevant today, worthy to be worshiped and shared boldly with all people. Since Living Truth has be on mission: Over a thousand people have come to faith in Christ, we have covered over 60,000 miles of the planet on mission trips going to several countries, many states, neighboring counties, all around our county, and of course locally. I’m very excited about the different opportunities God is setting before us right now. We thank all who have been a part of LTC in the early years, and to date. We’re thankful to have had the opportunity to disciple many folks that have moved away such as our military friends, and even folks that found another church to serve Christ in locally. ---We firmly believe the best is yet to come. Thanks to all of you who have been so resilient to this different kind of church. The only thing I have going for me( Aside from my Awesome God, great family and the cool people serving with me) is that God knows my heart. If you have not figured it out by now, my heart is that we reach the lost generation of people around us doing whatever it takes. ---Thank you for not being lazy, because it takes a lot of energy to do whatever it takes! And much thanks to all of you that have been generous in your giving, because ministry does cost dollars. I look forward to the extreme opportunities God sends our way even in the next twelve months. Stick to your resolve in being a disciple-making-disciple of Jesus. Oh Lord, help us to be hilarious in our giving of time, talent and treasure to YOU. Amen.