Thursday, June 7, 2012

Devo Lk.14:1-6

These Pharisees and "experts" in the Law were some peculiar people. It's funny how they act like they are concerned for Jesus' life in the previous passage, and judging every move he makes in the next chapter of Luke. In this chapter they are carefully watching him on the Sabbath to see if he heals a guy. They would consider this work, and their legalism had burdened the Jewish people with non-sensical laws. Of course, Jesus healed the man, because that's what he does. After healing the man (knowing their heart) he asked them if they would pull their ox from a ditch on the Sabbath to which they gave no reply. Their silence convicted them. It convicts them even today as it echoes. They knew better. If they had a real argument, they would have come with their full arsenal. They weren't afraid to argue with Jesus. In fact to the contrary, they were an "argument waiting to happen." Bottom-line is this, and it's real simple: you have nothing to say, when you have nothing to say. ---Jesus was right. They were wrong, and they knew it. Jesus' "right-ness" took him to the cross, because that's why he came.