Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Gotta Do's

As Paul says in Philemon we are to be "active in sharing our faith", but there are some other things christian/church members can do to advance the Good News about Jesus. This is not an exhaustive list, not is it in a particular order: 1.) Live a Christ-like life so that others want what you have, and maybe they will listen or want to hear your testimony about Jesus. 2.) Invite people to church. Most people just want an invite. 80% of people try out church because someone invited them. 3.) Welcome people the first five minutes they arrive on your church campus (no matter how big or small that might be). People decide in the first five minutes if they are even coming back. Folks need to be cultivated in the Word before they believe, so you're going to want them to come back and hear more. So, what does the first five minutes look like at your church? 4.)Be regular in your attending, giving and supporting of your church. Your church needs your faithfulness. Carry on. For the church to move on with the Gospel these are simple "gotta do's."