Saturday, March 9, 2013

Walking Dead

1 Samuel 2:22-26 seems like an innocent enough passage, but a stern warning can be found. Eli the priest has heard that his priestly sons have been up to no good. While serving as priests of the LORD, they had used their positions to not only rob from people, but they were committing sexual sins with women that were serving at the Tent of Meeting (the very place where God would meet the people). A contingency of people came and told Eli about his sons. Dad went to his boys to confront them, and they didn't even listen to him. Here's where it gets troubling. It says that they didn't listen to Eli, because God had already willed that they not straighten up because He was going to put them to death for this. Eli's words had no chance. They could not prevail against God's will. You see, it was too little too late. It is a reminder that even though God is very patient, and He wants people to repent of their sins and get back on the straight and narrow; His patience can wear thin. There is a tipping-point for God. ---There are people walking the streets right now that God is done with. The problem is that you and I don't know who they are; so we are supposed to keep praying for them and sharing Jesus. ---Meanwhile, the same Scripture shares that the boy Samuel was growing in favor with God and man. Every passage of hopelessness in the Bible seems like it has some hint of hope attached. * Perhaps a person is reading this that has rebelled against God. Please turn back. While God's grace is amazing, it is not without limits. Repent and turn back to God while He still may be found. If not, you may be among the walking-dead.