Monday, May 13, 2013

Behind the Music

What is it we like about Rock Stars? Or what is it we like about music? Why are we so fascinated about the music and then behind the scenes of the music? I enjoy talented musicians. I enjoy certain genres of music that appeal to my taste (probably associated with what I grew up with). After watching some of a documentary showing behind the scenes of the music including the making of a band I reflected on all of these questions. I guess for me, I really appreciate seeing someone using the talent God has given them even if it's not my style music. I really enjoy the blend of voices or maybe the lyrics of beautifully crafted story in song. Then there is that moment when all the instruments blend and find the groove, or even a solo that really makes me clap or shake my head in appreciation. While I grew up on Rock and can listen to it every now and then, it is music that is sung to God in worship that steals my soul away. I do enjoy the blend of all the instruments, but I am learning to even appreciate some Rap when it is sung to the King. I think we were made to sing, and especially to the LORD. The more I learn, the more I realize that our songs were meant to be sung upward. In truth, christians are the only ones that should be singing. We have real joy only found in Jesus Christ. ---I'm not bashing other music at all. I'm just saying, think about it. Where do the songs that we sing lead? ---And for some reason we celebrate Rock stars more than any other celebrity. What is that all about? Maybe it is because they are up on stage doing something we wish we could do. Nevertheless, they are on stage, and if not careful people can begin to worship these "bringers of the music." And since most people aren't careful, these folks become idols.---I'm not judging here. Just reflecting. Be careful as you appreciate your music.