Friday, March 21, 2014

The LORD is Your Tent

"The godly will rejoice in the LORD and find shelter in Him. And those who do what is right will praise Him."-Ps.64:10. So our small group had a $100 to bless someone whether it be a group or a person this week. We had a plan, but before we had executed the plan a need was made aware to us. A homeless man had requested a basic need, a tent. So we connected with him and got him a tent and some accessories to go with the tent. He was grateful to get the shelter, and I'm sure more grateful that night. Then I read this verse in Psalm the next morning, and couldn't help to pause and recognize the LORD's sweet voice. "The godly will...find shelter in (the LORD)." I pray for this man who says that he knows the LORD. I pray that he will truly find shelter... shelter in the LORD. No matter our life situation, we can find shelter in Him. The godly are those who have trusted Christ as Savior. We cannot be godly without his mercy and grace. He is the One that transforms us into something we're not from birth. Indeed, "the godly will rejoice in the LORD and find shelter in Him." When the storms of life come, we need a house; and the Scripture tells us that the LORD is the House to those who trust in Him.