Thursday, March 27, 2014

Walking With A Limp

Life happens. At various times in our lives we have incidents take place that effect how we walk, talk, or move about. Some are more tragic, while others can be overcome by therapy. Some may be more emotional than physical. But many of us have those moments that are game-changers so to speak. ---Jacob wrestled with the angel of God (Gen.32:22-32). Many theologians believe this was the pre-incarnate Christ (that's just theologian talk, meaning that it was Christ before he came here as a baby.). After this wrestling match with God, the Bible says that Jacob walked with a limp. This limp was a reminder of the meeting. It was also a reminder that he overcame. Jacob was still alive! Jacob also received a blessing from God, and this limp would be a reminder of that as well. --- In 2Cor.12:9 Paul wrestles with God over a "thorn in the flesh". Many have speculated over what Paul's thorn in the flesh might be: from bad eyesight to a secret sin that he struggled with. Paul was a prayer warrior. God had allowed him to heal other people. God had pretty much brought Paul back from death or the brink of death on a number of occasions, so this wasn't a matter of a lack of faith. Yet God would not answer this prayer of Paul with a "yes." Instead, Jesus spoke to him "My grace is sufficient for you, and my strength is made perfect in weakness." Paul learned that this "thorn", whatever it was that slowed him down, was meant to show Jesus' power. Paul learned to embrace the thorn or we'll say the "limp." It was what kept him grounded and trusting in the power of Jesus, not himself. Think about it, the more God lets you get in on the action, the more you and I could think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. There is a purpose in the thorn. It reminds us of who the boss is. So, as you walk with that spiritual limp each day, remember it is for the best. You get to see the power of Jesus in action, because you're not "all that" with your thorn or limp. Embrace your weakness, for Christ's strength is made complete in your weakness. Glory in the LORD in all that you do.