Friday, May 23, 2014


I just have this thing: an inordinate amount of times I look at the clock and it is 11:11. After this went on for a year, I started wondering if this was just random or was God trying to tell me something. Then it occurred to me (and I still haven’t figured it out for sure) that God was just stopping by to say hi. I have since accepted this phenomenon as God catching me throughout the day to remind me that He loves me. Sometimes we need a reminder or need some encouragement. Nevertheless, God did once and for all demonstrate His love for us. That is what Romans 5:8 is all about. You see, on the cross, God did the heavy-lifting. He lifted the burden of sin right off us. In life, we have a lot of problems that come in different shapes and sizes. Some are for short amounts of time, while others are lengthy, painful experiences. The Good News is that even in the worst of these times, all we have to do is look back to the cross to know that God has already conquered our biggest nemesis. Jesus Christ has put death in its place...the grave. Thankfully, I don’t need to see a clock to remind me that God loved me, even at my worst, and has put the toughest thing behind me. I can get on with life, and know that whatever good or bad befalls me...God’s got this!