Monday, July 14, 2014

When is it okay to be angry?

Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,--Eph.4:26 So when is it okay to be angry? This can be a slippery slope for human beings, even for those who are "in Christ." As we have learned in Romans chapter seven, the best of us still struggle with sin at times. So when we think it is okay and a righteous moment for us to be angry, we may be wrong as we do so from an imperfect heart. We do better to avoid the anger-train period. Yet, God will speak to us Spirit to spirit (Rom.8) at times about the injustices that grip Him and bring us along for His cause. But again, these are few and far between. Ultimately, He will deal with all the injustices of the world Himself(Rom.2). So when is it okay to be angry? We would be better served to say when it is not okay to be angry. ---The first easy answer is after sun-down. You better be over whatever it was by sun-down. You either need to truly forgive and forget or talk it out with the person you have had issue with. I have found that nearly 100% of the time that I have talked it out with someone that we figured out it was some kind of misunderstanding. I'm often reminded that (particularly dealing with Christians) we are praying to the same God, and He can't stand to see brothers and sisters divided. Cut a brother or sister some slack. Maybe they had a hard time, bad day or just forgot. There are a number of good explanations for the thing that got you mad or bugged you out. The issue is that Satan will highlight the one explanation that peeves you off, because he wants you to get angry. Satan knows that if he can take your anger into the next day, he can start to work division into a relationship, a family or even a church.--- As a pastor who has done enough funerals, it is a painful sight to watch families that can't get along. Somebody got mad at somebody over some thing long ago that they all have now forgotten about, and now they don't talk. ---It all started, because someone got angry and sinned by letting it go into the next day. --- Do you have someone you need to settle up with? They may not even know you're mad at them. (I've seen that one hundreds of times.)