Monday, August 4, 2014

It's 11 o'clock

"It’s 11 o’clock. Do you know where your children are? " I remember hearing that on tv when I was a teenager. I didn’t think much about it then, but I have certainly related to it as a parent since then. I do have the opinion that not much good takes place after midnight. —- But that’s not what this is about. While it is a good idea to know where your kids are after 11pm and who they are with, that is not the biggest deal in the world. Hopefully, you raised your children to have good common sense and to be the one that influences their peers and not be the “influencee.” But there is something far greater than night time troubles to be concerned about. As a parent, particularly a Christian parent have you taught and more importantly modeled a Christ-like life before your children? You can teach all you want, but more is caught than taught. That is not just a cute little saying. Mom and Dad, is church an option in your house? Do you decide Sunday morning if you are going or not? Don’t blame your kids if they follow your foot-steps. You can influence them the right way now. Later, will be too late. Gone is the day of “do what I say, not as I do.” Don’t separate your family from the body of Christ. To be separated from the body (church) is to be separated from the head (Christ) as well. God’s plan for the church is unity. We are better together. The break-up of the family is one way that Satan puts a chink in the armor of the church. But the other is simply parents being uncommitted or lazy. The price is high and the final cost perhaps disastrous, when it comes to your child’s eternity. So, do you know where your child is… spiritually?