Friday, April 3, 2009

Burst of Air and Twenty bucks

Rain, rain finally went away and then it left behind this forest in my backyard. It had to be cut, no if, ands or buts. My potential weapons: 1. Weed-eater-Ha! 2. Three-wheeled patio lawn mower. Only if I absolutely have to, but I don't think the little fellow can handle "the bush." 3. Twenty-year old-on-its-last-leg riding mower with several problems. I already battled getting the old LR tire off and replaced, but couldn't get enough of a power-burst of air to seal. The battery finally couldn't be jumped. Things were looking dim. 4. Contemplated purchasing a lawn-mower, but Dave Ramsey appeared in my conscious and I held my ground. 5. Borrowing came to mind, but I don't think you borrow lawn-mowers because it's hard to explain you didn't hit something. * Thank God for relationships. I thought about someone that could loan me some air. A new friend... best friend (David) brought me a burst of air to take care of my tire issue. Then $20 took care of my battery.'s a little bit of time, and a lot about relationships.