Thursday, April 9, 2009

Resurrection of Christ...Tried and Tested

1Cor.15:1-8---The Resurrection of Christ was fact. A whole bunch of people saw Jesus after the Resurrection. There were many witnesses still alive at the time Paul wrote this. There is an undercurrent in our world today denying the need for faith in Christ alone. There is a mentality suggesting that God has provided more than one way to reconcile things between He and man. If so, THEN WHY DID JESUS HAVE TO DIE? WHY DID JESUS TELL US TO TAKE THE GOOD NEWS TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH?Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father except by me.” You can look at that one of two ways. 1. Jesus sure is narrow-minded. 2. Be thankful that God has made the way home plain and simple. Which side of the cross do you stand on? The side that mocks him, or the side that confesses your sins, and calls him LORD? God has sent the Spirit of His Son into the hearts of those that believe in Him, and we can experience Christ today! He is alive! [see Gal.3:26, Gal.4:6]