Thursday, October 29, 2009

Guest blog: Heartbreak Hill

This was good.

Welcome to Heartbreak Hill. The most famous marathon race in America is the Boston Marathon. The toughest part of the race, where runners are most likely to give up, is called Heartbreak Hill. We are now in the equivalent of “Heartbreak Hill” for those who enter the race of reading through the Bible. The books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers have been a wall for many. In Exodus it is the detailed description of building the tabernacle and its furnishings. In Leviticus it is the careful description of the procedures for sacrifice and atonement for sin. In Numbers it is the lists of genealogies. Many find the reading of this portion of the Bible the most difficult part of reading the Bible through.
Challenging it may be, but it is also important. God thought these passages important enough to include in His Word. As I have been reading through this section of my current journey through the Bible, these insights have come to mind. To read these pages of my Bible is to be taught God really does notice and care about details. He does not want us to get just the big things right. He wants us to get every part of our lives right. I have also been reminded how very, very serious sin is to our holy and righteous Lord. In addition every page of Leviticus is reminding me how grateful I am for Jesus who satisfied all the requirements of the law, become the scapegoat for my sin, and made certain the forgiveness of my sin.
I hope you are learning some lessons as well. If ‘Heartbreak Hill” has slowed you down, don’t quit. Get a good cup of coffee or a big glass of tea this weekend, and take some time to catch up. As a family of church and mission leaders, we do want to read every page of our Bibles. We do want to spend our lives helping others to know, understand, and apply God’s Word. Let’s conquer “Heartbreak Hill” together!
Yours & His,
Chuck Kelley, President