Monday, March 1, 2010


This about the invisible people in our lives that perhaps are not noticed because things are getting done. You only know they exist when things break down. Obviously I'm not making some exhaustive list (so don't go omg he didn't say anything about me!). So with no further ado I give interweb props to Crystal Schnoor, Matt Schnoor, Jen Whitfield, Sarah Whitfield for the pleasant look they give to the hallway and cafeteria respectively on Sunday. I hardly realize I am at a school. And these four do a lot more than that...but props to you! Carrie Hollon, Kim Thomas and Co. have been setting the atmosphere tone with the special aroma of the coffee brewing. Also, it is great to see our folks serving in Jesus' name out in the community. Just this past month I counted up at least 44 community service hours by LTC members, and at least one person came to know Christ as a result of this. Do not grow weary in well-doing! ---If I missed you on this one, maybe I will catch you next time. Thanks to all. Stay faithful.