Saturday, October 23, 2010

The neXt Great Spiritual Awakening

The last great spiritual awakening in America took place in 1857 beginning in New York of all places. By spiritual awakening I mean many people unexplainably turning their lives over by giving their hearts to Jesus. Since then there have been attempted movements that have been quickly put out like a small fire by egos and pettiness of men. ---There is a reason all real spiritual awakenings begin in prayer. In prayer we come humbly before God. We die to self. We don't care what anyone thinks. We submit to the Father who has the answers and the power. In prayer we come with a contrite heart and that is the kind of heart God desires and can work with.---That 1857 Awakening began in prayer initially by one man. He invited 1000's with fliers, but when the time came; he was by himself. He prayed. Then some came late...just a handful, but some. The next week a few more, and so the next and then things caught on fire across the nation. ---We'll you join me and others in persistent prayer that God would hear our prayers, and send the neXt Great Spiritual Awakening. I've been asking you to pray morning, noon and night. Just do it! There is a flicker of light as across this country a small rumbling of prayer warriors are rising up. Be part of the neXt Great Spiritual Awakening. ---Other choices: sleep through it, hinder it, be distracted by the cares of this world. I think we've slept too long, the church even has been a hindrance to the real deal, and the distractions (attractions) have kept us from God's great desire to show us His glory! Pray on your own, start or find a prayer group near you. No excuses.