Monday, March 7, 2011

Psalm 50:1

The mighty God, the LORD, has spoken; he has summoned all humanity from east to west!
* I had to pull out the old Hebrew book to see if this meant what I thought. I get tired of hearing people making accusations against there are people on the other side of the world that have not heard the Gospel. Indeed, there are many people groups we need to go and share the Gospel, but we are full of ourselves if we think we own it. Yes, we are to go. But like many of you that have gone to those faraway places, I met these people and they knew about Jesus. ---Just as the Psalmist writes 3,000 years ago, Almighty God has spoken to all humanity from the east to the west...meaning- everywhere. ***God has the globe covered...He would very much like you and me to talk to those next door, at work, nearby, then go as He so leads.---Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send more workers, then do what He tells you to do.