Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What is this 40 Days of Prayer all about?

Ultimately it is God calling us out to pray, so we can see Him do something incredible IN us and then THROUGH us. It is time to bring the place and stuff together. God is doing amazing things through faithful people at Living Truth in this community. God has given us a nice piece of land to use as our Ministry Outpost. It is time that we pay that land off and do what we do there. God gave me the idea of getting us on the same page in prayer (Hence the 40 Days of Prayer), urging God to search out the heart of each of our members during this time culminating in what is called In Good Faith Sunday. Several prayer and land events will take place during this time (see the 40 Days of Prayer Event Schedule). First and foremost each of us will pray that God search our hearts. We want to get right with God personally during this time. At the end of the forty days (April 17-Palm Sunday), we will fill out a personal commitment card with the dollar amount that God tells us to give. There will be absolutely no pressure, no guilt, etc. All we ask is that you put the number down that God tells you. Our meager hope is to get enough in pledges to pay the land off in 18 months. On April 17th you will bring your pledge card with the amount you plan to give over the 18 months and we're calling it In Good Faith Sunday, because we want you to bring as much of that amount as you can on that Sunday. We will celebrate that together. ***Like me, you can sit down and figure out how much you can give if you do without this or sell that thing; but we don't want you to even think like that right now. ---Seek God's face in prayer during this 40 days, and ask Him what He wants you to give, and then ask Him He supposes you give that crazy amount.---I absolutely cannot wait to see what God does IN and THROUGH His people. Psalm 139:23,24 Why are we establishing a place in this community? Because Jesus matters, and we are His hands and feet! Love. Pray hard.