Saturday, April 30, 2011


Praise the Lord! That whole passage about a man's quiver being full and being blessed with children hit me today. We were just snapping pictures one after another within a crowd of people doing the same after Mel's college graduation. I looked at the awesome picture taken on my fancy phone, and it was good...very good. Teresa and I have been blessed beyond measure with four great kids. I suddenly realized the best part of any ministry I do or have done for God's kingdom is going to be so much greater through their continued faithfulness. Each one of them serves the Lord faithfully no matter what their occupation is. That is incredible! --- I know why after God made the man and the woman, He said about creation "it is very good." He saw the potential in them. In this picture I see a tremendous legacy of which I am not worthy. Not in the picture is their loving mother who has been a great influence on them. Taking the picture was me, just a so-so dad. I am thankful for God's amazing grace. Thank you for this special day God. Thank you for parents that cared for me, and passed that on. Thank you for the people around me that helped shape me. Thank you for always being there. ---I'm not writing me off, but I do hope more of us will be intentional in leaving a godly legacy behind. To be continued...