Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Unceasing Prayer

Another form of prayer we don't necessarily think of as a form of prayer is Unceasing Pryaer. If prayer is so desperately needed throughout our day, why do we stop? Sometimes we're good at continued meditation and plain talk with the Lord throughout the day, but other days, not so good. Our days are often scattered, distracted, hapless and noisy. We feel stressed, hurried and breathless. Thoughts race through our minds: good ones and bad ones.---Unceasing prayer has a way of calming us in the storm of the daily rigors of life. It also helps us cut through the bologna. ---But like all prayer, we have to be intentional. Solid prayer lives don't just happen. Peaceful lives don't happen by accident either.
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be madde known to God.---Phil.4:6 Even on the really good days, it's pretty cool to be sending up some praises in prayer. I think God likes that. :)