Monday, May 16, 2011

Watermelon Seeds

In 1 Cor. 15:35-58 Paul speaks about the resurrection and the glorified body. The vanity within us keeps us preoccupied with what are bodies look like in this life and even in the life to come. We find in the reading that God will determine what our resurrected body looks like so there is nothing to worry about. Forgetaboutit! ---He also gives an analogy that should help us realize that there is no doubt about the resurrection and God's ability to pull that off. As he explains the change from flesh and blood to the glorified body he reminds the reader of how a seed is buried in the ground and miraculously grows into something that looks totally different than the seed. We've all eaten watermelon and we spit the seeds back out. These little black seeds are sown into the ground and grow into large plump watermelons, and we think nothing about it. We see miracles like this everyday with every plant and fruit we eat. God gives us the picture of the death, burial and resurrection everyday through nature so that we can understand the supernatural (the spiritual even). And we totally accept it. Do we understand it fully? No way. Someone will give a scientific explanation for sure, but we have to take it for what it's worth. This little seed turns into something totally different and even awesome. So too will this old body be changed in a moment into a glorious body!