Monday, May 30, 2011

Here, There or In the Air

I didn't go to any parades or anything like that today, but I did consciously take the time today to think of the fallen soldiers. Yes, I certainly relaxed, goofed off, did a little work but not enough to call it work like many Americans today. I did take the time to pray on a number of occasions thanking God for those that gave their lives for the freedom that we often take for granted. Funny thing though, each time I thanked God for our warriors who have battled for the peace of the nations, I couldn't pray without thanking God for my Savior that died on the cross for my ultimate freedom from sin... my freedom from death, hell and the grave. To this I say Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus.---On a personal note, I do have a friend that has preceded me to heaven that I think about every Memorial Day. His name was David Jones, a great marine warrior. He went down in a helicopter several years ago now. We have many friends now that have been trained in NAS Pensacola and NAS Whiting Field. David was awesome. Teresa and I served in ministry (well before God even called me to preach) with David and Angie. David had the spirit of God in him. He was full of life. Sometimes I wonder if God just likes to get people like him sooner than later to the other side. He was great with kids, and always brought excitement into the room. He had plans to be a missionary pilot later on in life. God had different plans. I remember visiting David in his driveway before the moving van came. I hated to see them move on to the next station, but that's life. He had impacted me, and hopefully the feeling was mutual. Our goodbye went like this (he was the first to introduce me to this, but I've since heard others) "I will see you again, here, there or in the air."---How prophetic! David I'll see you there. Thanks.