Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Experientially Know God Thru Crisis

Crisis offers us the opportunity to know God in a way we never knew Him before. Are you satisfied with how well you know God? Is He faraway to you? Is He just a story book God to you? There is purpose in crisis. Here are five things to do to get you unstuck and to help you know God in a greater or more intimate way.

1.Identify the Crisis

2.Be honest that you've tried everything but crying out to God kind of prayer.

3.Pray like you've really ticked some people off, they're chasing you and now you're trapped with no way out---your life is in danger.

4. As God delivers you, stop and admire the moment. Be still and know God.

5. Give praise and be loyal to the God who loves you so much to deliver you.

The same God that fought for Israel (Ex.14:14) will fight for you. Be still.

<> Do these things or stay stuck where you've been the last year, 5, 10, 20 years.

I hope you'll do this. God will change your world.

For more: listen to "Unstuck"
