Friday, June 3, 2011

Burning Bush

God shows up in places that don't make sense. Most of us either think we've got every thing figured out, or we're in the process of figuring it out. We wonder why life is in the crapper, or things aren't working out for us right now. All of a sudden things just don't make sense. Have you ever stopped to think maybe God was trying to take you to a new place...He was trying to do a new thing...maybe even a bigger thing, and He had to shake things up? Your and my reaction is what causes this new thing to stall. We keep trying to go back to the old, and trying to figure out what's wrong. Quit trying to make sense out of a messed up, or changed up situation; and be still. Work on your experiencing God skills. Moses ran into a burning bush in the middle of the desert that was on fire, but not being consumed. That didn't make sense! But it did get Moses attention. Moses had become quite the domesticated husband, working under his father-in-law. But God was up to something. God had a big plan in mind. He was taking Mo away from the time-clock. God was taking Moses on a road trip. He would be instrumental in rescuing a million people from slavery. ---What weird thing has got your attention? Are you trying to swim upstream? What new thing might God be doing through you if you wouldn't keep trying to go backwards? God is up to something huge, bigger and better. Read the signs. Join God at work. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.