Thursday, March 22, 2012

Going Deeper

People like to associate going deeper with head knowledge, understanding the big words of the Bible that other people don't understand. That's bologna! Going Deeper is kind of a misnomer. Life transformation is the reality of going deeper. If you're lifestyle and love for Christ and others has not been impacted by your studying, then your studying is a waste of time.
At one time or another we have all studied shallow and we’ve studied deep, but there comes a time when we have to get out of the boat. We have to lower the net. If you are not loving Christ by serving Him by loving others, the time is now! You can know the whole Bible by heart, but if you don’t show love, well you’re just a big noise-maker (according to Paul 1Cor.13).
Ask your pastor how you may serve. There are a couple opportunities still out there.