Saturday, March 3, 2012

Devotion: Luke 6:46-49

Here's a little something, something from hanging with Jesus on a Saturday night just for fun.
"Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and do not do what I say?"
Great question!
So many claim to be Christians. So many claim to be followers of Jesus.---Yet, very few live a Christ-like life. Very few seem to care about the things of Christ. *We all see the hypocritical lives. Hey, I'm not judging. I've walked that thin line plenty.
Jesus said, (paraphrased) "I will show you what one of my practitioners looks like ( a peson that actually heeds my words). "He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock."---He took it seriously. He put the work in. He did excellent work. He built to last!
"When the flood came it couldn't shake the house because it was built on a solid rock foundation."---*Jesus is that solid rock foundation. If we're truly living in Him, then we too are immovable. Can't touch this!
(para) "But those who do shoddy work don't take the time to build right, when the storm comes; they will be washed away."---You can't fake a life in Chirst. When the junk of life hits, those in Christ stand, all others collapse.
*Don't call Jesus LORD if you're not truly living for Him. IF He is not Boss of your life because you're not willing to submit, don't say HE is. IT confuses people. You and HIM know the truth and danger is coming. True followers of Christ, do what He says!---These were Jesus' words. Don't say it, if it isn't true. ---If you're living contrary to the Scriptures (ie. sinful lifestyle: you know what your sin is, you don't need my help), then you're not living for Christ; which means HE is NOT LORD. Jesus is calling us to repent of our sin, and be a For Real follower of Christ.