Saturday, March 31, 2012

We're not that good of people

We're not that good of people, but Jesus absolutely is. So Teresa and I found ourselves willingly walking four miles around Spencerfield to pick up trash and scatter some prayers. ---Let me clear this up real quick. I could not help to think what people driving by might have thought. a.)What kind of trouble did these people get into to have to pick up trash? b.) Oh look at these nice people picking up trash. (Wait for the later blog when I tell of the top litter substances and what-not.) ---Even as I write this I know that it can sound like a humble-brag, but really we're not that good of people. If not for the onelove movement (see challenging followers of Jesus to love the community, we would not have been out way, no how. I know there are some people that are close to that good, but honestly, that ain't me. What I'm saying is this: we're not that good, but Jesus is. When Jesus has complete control over you, you do holy and righteous things that you normal would not do. It's funny, as we began to pick up trash in the name of Jesus, we couldn't even walk by the little-bitty pieces of paper or wrapper. ---Jesus is holy and righteous and I love Him even more today than yesterday. I got to know him a little better on this walk. I realized that He loves us even more than I realized by causing the main event to be canceled today. He had his reason. ->Word: it took over 3 hours to do this four mile trip and the original trek this morning was seven miles. Thank you Jesus. ---The best thing: we're not done yet. Join the movement or get left behind.