Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Devo. Lk.19:1-10

Zaccheus showed his true faith and repentance by giving away over and above the money he had exploited from the people. It wasn't this act that saved him, rather the act was evidence to his salvation. Jesus confirmed this.---Many in the crowd were upset (questioning) with Jesus hanging around a sinner like Zach. This gave Jesus the opportunity to explain that his whole purpose for coming was to seek and save the lost. Jesus came to save people like Zach...people like you and me, sinners. Only lost people get found. Only lost people get saved. We're all lost until we meet Jesus and accept him as Savior. The difference is some want to pretend they are not sinners (lost) by saying that they are good people. The stubborn won't be saved. Confession comes before salvation.