Monday, July 2, 2012

God's Way

Devo. from Luke 16:19-31 God's way of reaching us has always been by and through His Word. In the story of the Rich man and Lazarus we get a view of two distinct destinations after this life separated by a gulf: one with hope and the other with no hope. One is a place of rest, and one is a place of torment and anguish (Jesus' words). The natural reaction is to choose the place of rest, but how? Here we find that this life matters. The Rich man never found a need for God during this life and finds himself in a bad place. He becomes concerned for the family he left behind, because he knew they were just like him. ---He wants a miracle to grab their attention, or better yet someone rising from the dead to go and get them to repent. But Jesus says they must believe Moses and the Prophets (the Scriptures, God's Word) to make it. He says that if they don't (better yet, won't)believe the Scriptures, they won't be convinced even if someone were to rise from the dead! --- Note how often people want a miracle to convince someone to get right with God. Over and over, Jesus points out that the power is in the Word of God. It's a rebellious generation that seeks a miracle. Jesus fought off the temptation of Satan with Scripture. After his resurrection He revealed himself to the guys on the Road to Emmaus through Scripture when he could have just showed them his nail scarred hands or the scar from the wound in his side. The use of Scripture in revealing God's Christ and His plan is God's way. If you're holding out for a miracle, you might be waiting forever.---The resurrection of Christ is God's miracle, and it will be your miracle as well if you only believe what the Scriptures plainly testify.