Sunday, July 22, 2012

No Need to Hate and No Need to be Shocked

I know the Hater is going to hate, but they're ain't no need(southern, imperfect grammar for effect). The latest media spin to attempt to get out of control may prove to be a huge mistake. You can mess with Christians, but mess with the Christian's chicken, and you have declared war. Huge mistake! Truett Cathy is a great American success story. He needed a road out of poverty, and he built a bridge. But he didn't forget his fellow man. Read his story on your own time, this really isn't about him. It's about stupidity. Let me redirect by saying this: if I were to speak to a person of any religious belief; I wouldn't be shocked when they lived by that group's standards. For instance, if in their "book" it said they drank lime gatorade every Monday, I wouldn't be surprised if they drank lime gatorade every Monday. If their book explained their beliefs, and I saw that they lived their lives by this belief; well then, things would match up. They are just doing what "they" do. If a person wants do things based on their beliefs, and I disagree with them; then that is their business. I don't have to like it; but I ain't their Daddy. ---Let me "splain" something to the left-side of the field. I'm not judging you. I don't care what you do. I'm not even calling you names (assuming you're ok with being called "left"). ---But get this, if you ask a for- sure-enough born-again believer in Jesus and the Bible, there are certain responses you shouldn't be surprised when you get from them. Mr. Cathy recently gave one of those, and simply responded "guilty as charged." I know, I know there are folks with variant beliefs on the Scriptures modified for their lifestyle. I am not judging them either. God is the Judge and he'll deal with you, me, all of us. I'm good with that. (And it doesn't matter if I'm good with that.) I guess what I'm saying is Yes. The answer to all your "Larry King-type" questions is "yes." You know what I should say by the Bible. Too many Pastors and Christians side-step stuff. Yes, I agree with what the Bible says about any controversial question you want to ask me. Yes, I believe Jesus is the only way to salvation...because He said so. AND I don't hate you for believing otherwise. I even strangely respect it when you just stick to your solid ground. BUT there is no need to be shocked when I stand with my convictions. If you wanna boycott something, then boycott THIS. Just kidding...sounded too fun. Respect and dialogue. Otherwise, y'all gonna miss the Christian chicken in Boston. Peace.