Tuesday, February 4, 2014


The LORD raining down fire and brimstone to destroy the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah...come on! That’s a little too fantastic, right? Or better yet, that story of Jonah and the big fish, isn’t that a little out there? The parting of the Red Sea ought to be on the crazy list people are supposed to believe God did. ---Well, look around. If you open your eyes, you witness a little bit of God’s fantastic-ness every day. We can put a period after each one: the Grand Canyon. Niagara Falls. the Great Smokey Mountains. the Gulf of Mexico. the Swiss Alps. the Great Barrier Reef. the power of the ant. the gorgeous fish on coral reefs in the Caribbean. the powerful volcanoes around the world. the migration of birds. the constellations in our galaxy. the vastness of outer space. a sunrise or sunset anywhere and the fact that sun shows up day after day. the cry of a new-born baby. Oh, God has wowed us in many ways in His Creation. So we shouldn’t be surprised when he harnesses it for His purposes.--- Man is God’s crowning achievement...we might argue that considering our own imperfections; but it was after God created man that He said that His Creation was very good, instead of plain ole God-good. Man has made some pretty amazing things. He was created in the image of God after all. He should be a chip off the old block. But the stuff man makes can be defective, can be broken, and can be destroyed. The Eiffel Tower could be taken down with one bad quake. We’ve unfortunately seen the destruction of billion dollar planes, etc. ---Man has tried to hurt the planet God created, but if one were to pay close attention; there is some kind of preservation built into this planet. Not long ago, man tried to ruin the Gulf of Mexico. The bad news was horrendous. It looked like a hopeless situation. Yet, like a daddy picking up the pieces after his child broke something; God has proved to be bigger than our mistakes. This world is indestructible by man. Read the book, God has a plan for a new heaven and a new earth, and that will happen in His time table. ---But the world does need to be redeemed. It has been corrupted, not by a massive oil spill or atomic bomb, but by sin. God’s got this. God the Father sent His One and Only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ was with God from the beginning. He sent the indestructible Jesus among men to save men and redeem the planet. Men put God to the test. They killed Jesus. But God, who is infinitely more fantastic than we can ever realize, raised Jesus on the third day. There was a purpose for all this. With all these fantastic things God lets man witness, it leaves man without an excuse when it comes to plainly knowing that He exists, that man is sinful in need of a Savior; and God has sent that Savior in broad-daylight---Jesus!---You’ve seen enough. And if that’s not enough, God says in the Scriptures, “If you will sincerely seek me, then you will find me.” The key word is sincerely. If you have an open mind, then you will believe what you already know in your heart. It’s in your heart, because God put it there. If you haven’t done so, check into the whole Jesus story. You don’t have to go to a mystical place or smoke some plant to experience God. Merely open your eyes to what is before you. Man is without excuse. Jesus came and died for the ungodly, because He loves us. He had to die, because we sinned. He asks us to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” for salvation. Again, you’ve seen enough. Phone a friend if you still have questions. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is not just Good News, it is fantastic news to a world that has been exposed to a fantastic God.