Friday, February 7, 2014

Taking the Garbage Out and Seeing God

I’m certainly not that important, but I have hit the ground running hard this new year. It seems like there has been a meeting of some sort almost every night, so this past Thursday I was elated when I saw nothing on the calendar. My wife was a little under the weather, so we just chilled out at the house watching some comedies on the tv. ---After indulging in some good laughs, it was time to call it a night. I prepared to take the garbage out to the road by putting on my jacket, a ski hat and some gloves. It was freezing outside, but that was probably a little over the top for a thirty second walk to the end of the road. As I got to the end of the road on this mindless but purposeful trip, something from the northwestern sky caught my eye. In a clearing between the trees and right beneath an ominous cloud, a beautiful nearly full moon was juxtaposed on a jet black sky. It was beautiful. I wasn’t looking for it. It lurked out from the scenery and caught my attention. This would have been an award winning painting selling for millions if a man had painted it. It was a little thing, yet a big thing. It was as if God was saying, “Hey, what’s up? This has been here all night. This is what I do.” I felt a little sheepish for chilling out by watching a couple of hours of tv on this particular night, when God was doing something big outside. It was something much more entertaining and graceful.It’s beauty was unmatched. I was now thankful that I had put on warm clothing, as I stopped and looked straight up at all the stars that were visible on this night. I spotted Orion and that one star that shines brighter than all the others, you know ole whatchamacallit. I stood and gazed as I took it all in. It was after midnight, and we’re at the end of the it’s me and God. I looked around to see if anyone else was out as I was gawking at God’s beautiful artistry. Wow! What was supposed to be a not even routine, but instead a mundane 15 second trip turned into a God-moment. I love it when God comes near...when He makes His presence known in the little things at unexpected times. It reminded me that God has made himself plain to us in His Creation. Man certainly is without excuse.