Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Don't Underestimate Your Friends

How can I discuss God’s love and truth with my friends whose beliefs differ from mine? That is a good, honest and popular question. First of all, you can’t make anyone believe. People are attracted to Christ often by good models…people living truth. Of course, the Holy Spirit convicts of sin and draws them to Christ. —-So, dump the pressure of having to save anyone. You can’t do it. God is in the saving business. You are just a representative. Unfortunately, a lot of folks think they cannot use the Bible when sharing Jesus with a non-believer. Folks don’t want to come across as a Bible-thumper. Nevertheless, don’t sell the Bible short. It can stand on its own. People have tried to destroy it, lied about it, and everything else. The Word of Truth still stands. — The Bible is the eternal Word containing God’s eternal truth. It houses truth whether they believe in it or not. The only entity that does not want you to use the Bible is Satan. He wouldn't even quote it correctly when he threw down with Jesus. Aside from your own personal testimony, the Bible is one of your greatest resources. Use it!—-One of the best testimonies that I ever heard was about a guy who got saved after he read a Bible that he found while cutting the grass in the middle of the interstate. Share the word of truth when the opportunity presents itself. If you’re living right and showing love to your friends, they’ll give the word a try. Just be real. Don’t leave out prayer in all of this. Make sure you’re praying, you’re in the Word, and you’re living the kind of life that will impact your friends. Don’t underestimate your non-believing friends either. Most really do want the truth. Unfortunately, they’ve seen too many fake Christians, and there just waiting to see you fall. (they’re not necessarily pulling for you to fail…they just expect it.) They need to see you bear good fruit which comes from abiding in Christ. *Be bold for Christ. There is a reason God put you in their life. If you don’t share Jesus with them, who will? Don’t underestimate: the power of God’s Word, the impact of your life, and that God can use you. God believes in you.:)