Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The "F" Word is a Double-edged Sword

The thing that I hate the most about being a Christian is also the thing that I love the most about being a Christian. While I may not be enthused to forgive people (at least "some" people), the Bible does not list it as an option for the follower of Jesus. However, I will certainly accept forgiveness from folks when I sure don't deserve it. Yeah, you got it, forgiveness is the word with the double-edge. God made it that way so that we would get on with life, and maybe not hurt too many other humans along the way. ---Oh, and when you get to thinking too highly of yourself, remember that God has forgiven you of more than you'll ever forgive another person. Just do it. (If you don't forgive, it comes with an extremely high price, but that's a blog for another day.)