Monday, June 30, 2014

Some Of Us and All Of Us

Some of us have gotten off the beaten path. Some of us were never taught right from wrong. Some of us have been rode hard and put away wet. Some of us really don't know any better. Some of us did hit our head on something. Some of us don't know our momma or daddy. Some of us are lonely for a variety of reasons. Some of us are just awkward. Some of us are way too serious. Some of us aren't serious at all. Some of us were spoiled as a child. Some of us had our childhood stolen. Some of us had much given to us. Some of us were led astray at an early age. Some of us made one big mistake. Some of us worked for everything we got. Some of us seem to never catch a break. Some of us have things fall into our lap. Some of us... the list goes on and on. However, all of us are walking around with some of us, and that is why God is adamant about "love one another." We are to bear one another's burdens. You don't know what they've been through. Bless others, because that is what God's people do.