Saturday, March 28, 2009

Musing about the Perfect Day

While our friends suffered from torrential down pours back home, we were enjoying the best weather I have ever enjoyed in Orlando. It usually is too hot. It was the perfect temperature, and when a drop of sweat even thought about forming a cool breeze would gently deter any such happening. Yeah, a wee bit melodramatic; but the weather was exceptional. So, it made me think about the perfect day. What would that be like? In general people get upset when the day doesn't go as they planned. But what would we do if we didn't have the flat tire, the headache, the traffic jam, the bus being late, the child making a mess (of any kind) right before time of departure? The truth is that these things don't usually happen, yet when they do happen they're a big deal. Are we thankful on the days when nothing goes wrong?---Then I began to muse on this thought: what would my perfect day be like? Would it be a good idea to cut me loose without any distractions, roadblocks, etc? Hmmm. Think about it.