Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stumbled on this

While the Trinity is as hard to explain as gravity and other things created by God, I stumbled on a quote by C.H. Spurgeon. Instead of messing it up, you can read it for yourself. First check out Galatians 4:6-"And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." Spurgeon had the following to say: The error of regarding a certain divine person as a mere influence, or emanation, mainly assails the Holy Ghost; but its falseness is seen in the words—"crying, Abba, Father": an influence could not cry; the act requires a person to perform it. Though we may not understand the wonderful truth of the undivided Unity, and the distinct personality of the Triune Godhead, yet, nevertheless, we see the truth revealed in the Holy Scriptures: and, therefore, we accept it as a matter of faith. <>In other words, the fact that the Holy Spirit cries out shows that He is a distinct personification of God. He is not a thing, an influence, an emanation or an "it."