Sunday, June 14, 2009

His Purpose Will Stand

It's no secret that I love competitive athletics. I really enjoy watching athletes battle it out with their skills and pit their will up against another to victory. It is a rare feat, but awesome when one person dominates the field of play.Or even greater when someone calls their shot like Babe Ruth did on at least one occasion; or when Joe Namath proclaimed victory for the underdog Jets years ago before the game was even played. Since then, many pretenders and wannabees have come and gone. But I was just having an incredible time hanging out with God and just working my way through the book of Isaiah when I stumbled across something that just proves how totally AWESOME God is. Isaiah 46:10 says: I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.---It's true. We can read the beginning to the end of our existence in the Scriptures. We can read THE END and it hasn't happened yet, and there is nothing or no one that can change it! Talk about dominating the Game! Satan can't touch this. <--That ends with a period!Yeah, just like that. It is called the Sovereignty of God. Our God reigns!